Leadership — Telling Bad News

The Albany Times Union’s Capital Connection Blog has posted NY Chief Judge Lippman’s video to the court staff on the impact of the 6% cuts imposed in the recently finalized state budget.

It’s really a model in terms of the obvious depth of the pain he shows to be bringing this news, his understanding of the human cost, his commitment to making the cuts in as humane a way as possible, and his ultimate emphasis on the importance and value of the work that has to go on

The really sad side of this is the level of viciousness against the courts in the comments on the blog.  It underlines how critical it is in these angry times for courts to do whatever they can to earn the understanding and loyalty of the people they serve.  I think those such as Judge Kevin Burke, who say we should see each litigant not as a burden but an opportunity to demonstrate our value, are dead on.  Notwithstanding financial pressures, this is even truer in tough times, and is yet another reason for keeping direct services to those without lawyers.

About richardzorza

I am deeply involved in access to justice and the patient voice movement.
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