News on Law Student Pro Bono

The National Center for Access to Justice shares some news on the New York law student pro bono rule, and beyond.

  1. The Center has released its recommendations for software to support law student pro bono.  “The Center is interested in hearing from people interested in helping to move a software application initiative forward (contact”
  2. Law students have created a campaign to expand the concept to all the states. “The Campaign encourages people to visit and like its Facebook page, where news of developments in states will be posted.”
  3. California and New York are taking affirmative steps to adopt the requirement.

A committee of Connecticut Judicial Branch’s Access to Justice Commission, and a Task Force of the California State Bar, have independently issued proposed recommendations calling for 50 hour pro bono service requirements in their respective states.  The Connecticut report calls for a pre-admission pro bono requirement.  The California Bar recommendation, which remains a draft until adopted by the full Task Force Board, calls for a requirement that could be fulfilled either pre- or post-admission (while also calling for curriculum reform and for a new continuing legal education requirement).

About richardzorza

I am deeply involved in access to justice and the patient voice movement.
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